Nutrition from the ground up!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The true story

I heard a radio show that had an author purporting some special diet that would cleanse the body of toxins and lead to the elimination of many health problems. It bothers me, as a Nutrition Therapist and a food writer, because these claims confuse a public already struggling with the literacy of basic nutrition, which is calories in versus calories expended. The claim about toxins is so widely exaggerated and unbalanced with the fact that the life expectancy is the highest it has ever been, health care is as great as it has ever been, we are eating more foods than we have ever eaten (because of imports, etc). I would like to see people eat at a table and not in the seat of a car, not walking around, and quite frankly, not in a restaurant. And then get up and move their bodies. The main toxin is the brains and pocketbooks of the deceptive marketer!

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