Nutrition from the ground up!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The true story

I heard a radio show that had an author purporting some special diet that would cleanse the body of toxins and lead to the elimination of many health problems. It bothers me, as a Nutrition Therapist and a food writer, because these claims confuse a public already struggling with the literacy of basic nutrition, which is calories in versus calories expended. The claim about toxins is so widely exaggerated and unbalanced with the fact that the life expectancy is the highest it has ever been, health care is as great as it has ever been, we are eating more foods than we have ever eaten (because of imports, etc). I would like to see people eat at a table and not in the seat of a car, not walking around, and quite frankly, not in a restaurant. And then get up and move their bodies. The main toxin is the brains and pocketbooks of the deceptive marketer!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Let it rain!

It has been raining here on the North coast for the last few days. While I do not like rain, sorry Seattle, I like that it forces us to stop and smell the "coffee". One way to take advantage of the slow down in life is to cook a dish, meal, etc., from scratch. I made bread and barley stew. There is something therapeutic about scratch cooking. Prove me wrong.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Stirring up memories!

Back in the day, you wouldn't give it much consideration. Kids always played in the kitchen, learning the task of cooking and home management. Boy, how things have changed. The kitchen is not the focal point of the home. And, it is not necessarily the mother who is doing the cooking. I am one of, as I see it, many single fathers who stir up memories with their children, in the kitchen! My four and five year old children assist, and happily so, in all of our meals, most of which are cooked from scratch! So, pizza, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, fries, etc, all are cooked under controlled conditions. And they are good for the child and adult alike, with the grumbellies! Get back into the kitchen and share these moments!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Facinating info

I have been reading an article about Carolina Gold Rice. There is some fascinating information in the article. People eat for different reasons, depending on what you situation in life is. If you are hungry, your concept of food changes dramatically. When I get broke, those cans of corn and kidney beans become more appetizing. Think about it.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Where cultures meet!

I just finished an essay on the intersection of African-American and Asian cultures. I had dinner at a Thai restaurant and the food was good. I had mango fried rice and much to the chagrin of most people, Asians are not the only specialist in rice land. Africans and African Americans are very prominent rice cultivators. On that note, I am off to burn off some of the whole grain brown rice I had for lunch!

Friday, August 10, 2007


After an invigorating, 1 hour workout, I had a bowl of cereal. This is my only off day, so I am off taking care of business. But I am anticipating coming home and making dinner and finishing it off with a sweet potato pie, all from scratch, just like they used to do it. I am old school, but you dont have to be. Let me know what you are having for dinner and don't give in!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Let's eat with our fingers!

Hello. I just finished dinner, french toast with homemade bread, thickly sliced, using butter pecan syrup. If I didnt tell you I ride 30 miles per day on my bike, you would accuse me of being a fat dietitian. I am the culturally competent culinary conversationalist. Talk to me about dining, specifically African-American dining experiences. I'll tell you what I am up to, including my podcast, newsletter, etc.