Nutrition from the ground up!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Historical Inauguration

Today, Barack H. Obama was sworn in as the 44Th President of the United States. This Culinary Conversationalist, a former U. S. Army Medic, American of African Descent, and male gendered father, is especially proud today. There are some aspects of President Obama that you can emulate from the table as well. Mr. Obama has a routine where he makes meals for his daughters. His specialties are tuna sandwiches and cheese toast. Whole wheat bread would make those wonderful choices for growing children. He personally loves fiber rich chili, broccoli, spinach and good ole H20! This president stays fit by playing basketball and working out, so while everyone is so excited about his Presidency, how about following his lead by working out and choosing healthy foods during this new administration and beyond!

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